Norwood Town Election will be held April 4

by Bella Caggiano
The Town of Norwood will be holding its Town Election on Monday, April 4. There are many residents who are throwing their hat in the ring for an endorsement to serve the town in many municipal areas. This is the time for Norwood residents to make a difference in their local government, whether they are pleased with their officials or ready for a change in leadership.
The list below are Norwood government officials running to fill vacant seats.
SELECTMEN: (Two) 3-Year Seats
Allan D. Howard
Robert G. Donnelly
Amanda Grow
TOWN MODERATOR: (One) 1-Year Seat
Gerri S. Slater
Carolyn Riccardi
Joan E. Giblin
Michael S. Condon
Kathleen J. Sibbing-Dunn
Tylor Joseph Tourville
Mark J. Whouley
Anne Marie Haley
Alan D. Slater
To fill a vacancy
Myev A. Bodenhofer
Sheri A. McLeish
Donna R. Montgomery
Brian R. Hachey
CONSTABLE (One) 3-year seat
James A. Perry
Shall the Town of Norwood be allowed to exempt from the provisions of Proposition two-and-one-half, so called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued in order to pay the costs of construction, demolition, equipment, furnishings, site work, testing, professional services, including design and engineering, and relocation costs at the New Coakley Middle School Project located at 1315 Washington Street, Norwood, MA 02062.
District One
Robert J. Blood
George T. Curtis, Jr.
Doris J. Dickson
Robert J. Ferrini
Eric J. Henry
Barbara Jeanne Hopcroft
Joan M. Jacobs
Katherine M. Kalliel
Richard M. Morrison
Amy O’Keefe
William J. Plasko
Cashman Kerr Prince
Richard M. Shay
Kathleen J. Sibbing-Dunn
Carol J. Thornton
Michael J. Thornton, Jr.
Mary J. Wesley
Rebecca Flynn
Francis J. Hopcroft
Meaghan Merrigan Kowalski
Stephen Thomas Rogers
Jordan C. Tacher
District Two
Catherine M. Barnicle
Brian J. Clark
Rebecca C. Deeks
Joseph DiMaria
Dennis P. Doherty
John Philip Fanning
Jennifer J. Gorman
Sarah Griffin
Matthew R. Guienen
Stephen F. Keefe
Angela Rose Marenghi
Shirley Ann Marenghi
Patrick T. Moloney
Katie C. Neal-Rizzo
Martin J. O’Brien
Sarah N. Quinn
Carolyn Ann Rocklen
Joseph F. Sheehan
F. Gordon Smith
Joseph r. Ziska
Steven P. Boudreau
Christopher P. Griffin
Christopher P. Griffin, Jr.
Scott Damien Maffei
Stephen J. Trovato
James R. West
District Three
Suzanne E. Bartlett
James Donald Bowers
David Raymond Catania
Amy J. Dee
George H. Durante
Paul Eysie
Paula E. Gorin
Jennifer P. Harty
Judith A. Howard
Edward M. Lynch, Jr.
William M. Naumann
Cecilia A. O’Keeffe
Christopher C. Randall
Linda B. Rau
Patterson A. Riley, Jr.
Lynne Roberts
Linda M. Thomas
Julie Ann Barbour-Issa
John Joseph Cianciarulo
Colleen M. DiBlasi
Joseph G. DiBlasi
Thomas J. McQuaid
Monica Phillips Young
Nora B. Zaldivar
District Four
Stephen R. Brody
Charles D. Burgess, Jr.
Kimberly J. Butters
Michael K. Ganley
Patrick T. Gearty
Anne Marie Haley
Adam J. Hsu
Michele M. Hsu
Richard G. Kelly
Denise D. Kiley
Willard Krasnow
Gerald F. Miller
Paul E. Needham
Cecilia Regan
Joseph Paul Sarno
Alan D. Slater
Gerri S. Slater
Amy E. Sobchuk
Teresa Marie Stewart
Brianna Mae Whelan
David Hern, Jr.
Justin S. Hitchcock
Christopher R. Jordan
Peter T. McFarland
District Five
Joseph S. Barrett
Michael Cunyuan Chen
Rachel E.D. Churchill
Robert G. Donnelly
Antoinette M. Eosco
Steven J. Eosco
Mark Paul Joseph
Matthew E. Lane
Karen A. Meier
Kellie Noumi
Jane Ellen Phalen
Carl E. Smith, Jr.
Jody M. Smith
Michelle St. Pierre
Cynthis J. Wong-Shaughnessy
District Six
Patricia A. Bailey
Susan A. Davis
Helen Abdallah Donohue
David A. Floyd
Irene Gotovich
Joseph P. Greeley
Thomas J. Guiod
John Raymond Hall, Jr.
Emily F. Hoadley
Sharon F. Lephew
John W. McTernan
Donna R. Montgomery
Edmund W. Mulvehill, Jr.
Michael J. Nemeskal
Matthew J. Shanahan
Kevin J. Shaughnessy
David J. Tuttle
Mark J. Whouley
Alyssa Rae Abrams
Sarah Elizabeth Aprea
Cheryl Lynn Doyle
Courtney A. Rau-Rogers
Christopher J. Rogers
District Seven
Dominic Bartucca
John J. Colamaria
Martha E. Colamaria
Kevin Connolly
Sarah B. Cullen
Christian J. Dauphinee
Michael Eugene Dooley
Robyn Elizabeth Gilchrist
Elizabeth Hestad
Patrick T. Lane
Edward P. Lynch
Benjamin Alton Moser
Sean Mulcahy
David P. Ruggiero
Shaela T. Welch
Sarah Bouchard
Nicholas Grow
Angela D. MacLean
District Eight
Mary L. Cantarow
John P. Collins
Edward Ferris
Neil J. Flynn
Natalie S. Flynn-Schofield
Vincent Fruci
Maria Henry
James Anthony Johnston
Judith A. Langone
Carolyn G. MacLeay
Dennis P. mawn
Anne Marie Mazzola
Patricia J. Monahan
Kevin M. Reilly
John D. Salute
Sandra L. Sansone
Gerard A. Shea
Jean Ferrara Taylor
John E. Taylor
Rachael Delia Webber
Michael Francis Jordan, Jr.
District Nine
Frank Patrick Adams
Kathryn Ahnger-Pier
Erik P. Bodenhofer
Myev A. Bodenhofer
Catherine M. Button
Jeanne M. Chambers
Tracy A. Deshiro
James M. Flanagan
Paula L. Flanagan
Eric W. Fleming
George J. Hawley
Jennifer A. Londergan
Maria C. Lopez
Ernest Paciorkowski
Michelle Pizzi O’Brien
Amanda R. Roffi
Michael T. Sheehan
Jamie K. Singelais
Sarah E. Sullivan
Nancy Ann Walenten
Jeffrey T. Weidenaar
Joseph M. White
Town Meeting members will be listed on individual District ballots.
You must be a registered voter to participate in Norwood’s election.
Polling Locations
Poles will be open 7 a.m.-8 p.m.
District 1 Oldham School Prospect Street
District 2 Oldham School Prospect Street
District 3 Civic Center Nahatan Street
District 4 Cleveland School Nichols Street
District 5 Civic Center Nahatan Street
District 6 Balch School Washington Street, South Norwood
District 7 Balch School Washington Street, South Norwood
District 8 Callahan School Garfield Ave
District 9 Prescott School Richland Street