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Norwood - Local Town Pages

Be A Part of Norwood’s Future

Norwood’s Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee is pleased to share that the Town of Norwood is making progress on developing its Comprehensive Plan, and invites residents to provide ideas.
The 10-year Comprehensive Plan will guide the future of the town. The Steering Committee is soliciting ideas and feedback from residents on how they would like to see the town evolve over the next decade.
One option to provide feedback is the town’s “Meeting in a Box” kits, designed to help facilitate at-home conversations. These can be printed out or picked up at town hall. Neighbors or friends can meet and consider ideas as a group, then send completed packets back to the town. An online survey and interactive map are also available to use to provide feedback.
The Meeting in a Box, survey, and an interactive map are available on the Comprehensive Plan website at Meeting in a box packets are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. 
The deadline to complete and submit the information is Monday, March 31.