2025 Dog Licenses Are Due

Dog Licenses are issued by the Town Clerk at the Town Hall. To obtain a license, proof of up-to-date rabies vaccination must be shown. License fees are $15 for dogs that have been spayed/neutered, $20 for dogs that have not been spayed/neutered. All dogs six months or older are required to be licensed. For dogs 3 months or older, the owner must provide proof of a current rabies vaccination and of neutering or spaying (if applicable) during the licensing period.
The licensing period is January 1st – December 31st. All dog licenses must be renewed by May 30th of each year. Licenses are available for renewal on January 1st each year. A $1 mailing/processing fee will be applied to all dog licenses.
After May 30th, the Town imposes a $25 late fee for any unlicensed dog.
Continued failure to license a dog will also result in a citation from this department per MGL Ch140, Sec 137. Please license your dog in a timely manner to avoid these extra fees.
To register a dog in the Town of Norwood, visit Energov at energovweb.norwoodma.gov/EnerGov_prod/SelfService#/home.
For more information, call the Norwood Town Clerk’s office at 781-762-1240.