Senior Corner

By Michele Taranto
Norwood Senior Center Winter Advisories
A friendly remember, if the Norwood Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather the Norwood Senior Center will also be closed. Always call before heading out for any cancellations or changes (781-762-1201). The Norwood Senior Center is open, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., 275 Prospect St.
Senior Monthly Ballroom Dance
Norwood Senior Center 275 Prospect St.
7-10 p.m.
Music will be provided by Play It Again South Shore. Cost is $12 per person, which includes
coffee, tea, desserts, water, and door prizes. Newcomers always welcome. For more information or updates of events, visit their Facebook page at:
Friends Of The Norwood Council On Aging | Facebook.
Scams 101: Spot, Report and Stop!
Morrill Memorial Library
7 p.m.
There has been a tremendous rise in the number of scams in the last few years. Some of the common scams are grandparent scams, imposter scams, debt-relief scams, romance scams, mail-fraud scams, social media scams. According to the Federal Trade Commission, in 2021 alone social media scams cost the consumers a whopping $2.7 billion. To fight this rising threat of scams and to empower Norwood residents to spot and report scams, the Town of Norwood created the Anti-scam Task Force (NASTF). The task force comprises Town of Norwood and community partners that include the Norwood Police Department, Norwood Senior Center, One Local bank, Morrill Memorial Library, and others. To register, visit or call the reference desk at 781-769-0200, x2.
Yes, I Would Love to Volunteer!
The grueling days of a 40-hour workweek are in the rearview mirror, so what now? After decades of looking forward to the retirement years, many senior citizens can find it difficult, even lonely, with the entire day, week, month, year ahead of them. Part-time work is often a good option, but volunteering can be a great opportunity for a fulfilling retirement.
With a lifetime of experience, seniors can advocate for change in their community, support causes that are important to them, reach out and help others in need, and promote turn the page for a new chapter in their life. The benefits, however, are twofold. When no longer working full time or caring for a family, people can feel a loss of identity which could lead to depression and anxiety. Getting out into the world, in person or on the phone, can lead to so many new opportunities.
According to, it is crucial to a senior’s mental health and well being to remain healthy in those golden years.
Physical Advantages: physical activity can reduce stress, increase self confidence, and overall mood. It also helps to improve cardiovascular health, reduce risk of obesity, and overall physical fitness.
Sharpening the Mind and Boosting Cognitive Functions: activities often require problem-solving skills, planning, and decision making, which help keep the mind sharp. Also, studies have shown remaining mentally active can lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Emotional Well Being Boosts Happiness and Reduces Depression: volunteering provides the opportunity to socialize and make new friends which combats loneliness and isolation. It also gives an important sense of purpose and contribution to the community and sense of accomplishment.
Skill Development: learning new skills keeps the mind engaged and promotes lifelong learning. It also gives the seniors the opportunity to pass on their wealth of knowledge.
To determine the perfect fit, seniors can look within; what interests them, what are they passionate about, where can they contribute. Physical limitations, however, do need to be considered. Volunteering should be a fulfilling experience not one that frustrates or causes physical harm. Also, start small. Pick one area and a set amount of time to get involved. It may take time to build confidence and take on new roles.
Where to begin? How about right here in Norwood? There are many options to give back, contribute, and share a lifetime of knowledge, experience, and compassion.
CIRCLE OF HOPE Lee Kennedy: 781-762-3549
NORWOOD FOOD PANTRY [email protected] Deb Devine: 781-291-3663
HISTORICAL COMMITTEE historicalcommission
LEAGUE OF WOMEN’S VOTERS [email protected] Carol Macleary: 781-762-2430
MEALS ON WHEELS HESSCO Elder Services Ellis Rehab covid19_resources/ food_assistance.php
NORWOOD ALUMNI ASSOCIATION norwoodhighschoolalumni Gerry Miller
NORWOOD MEMORY CAFÉ, INC. [email protected] Jean Cotton : 781-762-1611
NORWOOD SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION norwoodscholarshipfoundation
NORWOOD TRAILS COMMITTEE [email protected] Joseph Greely
The opportunities are endless. If nothing on the above list is a good fit, talk to friends, visit the Norwood Senior Center for ideas, visit the Town of Norwood website (, or search the internet using key words of interest. The time for giving and volunteering is now; its benefits will touch many lives, including your own.