Keeping Norwood Firefighters Safe

By Michele Taranto
They risk their lives for their residents every day. They protect, so they must also be protected. Each year, towns allocate budgets and fire department expenses are included in those financials. A little help, however, is always much appreciated, and recently, the Norwood Fire Department was the recipient of a Massachusetts grant directed for safety equipment.
“From structure fires and water rescues to hazardous materials and building collapses, firefighters never know what life-threatening risks the next call will bring,” Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll said in a press release. “These grants will support the purchase of fundamental tools and specialty equipment to help them do a dangerous job more safely.”
The Healey-Driscoll administration awarded $5M to 321 Massachusetts fire departments through the state’s Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant program. The Town of Norwood received $24,973.50.
“The amounts were set by the state according to population,” Norwood Fire Chief Timothy Bailey said. “Our request was based on the maximum for a community of our size. The grants are submitted to SFS (Department of Fire Services) where they make the final determination for the distribution of funds. The amount we received is comparable to other towns with similar population.”
The individual town and city fire department funding provided is eligible to purchase 135 types of equipment, including hoses and nozzles, turnout gear, ballistic protective equipment, gear washers and dryers, thermal imaging cameras, hand tools and extrication equipment, communications resources, hazardous gas meters, and more.
“This funding will allow us to purchase the necessary equipment for the tracking of personnel and equipment at emergency scenes,” Norwood Fire Chief Timothy Bailey said. “It will also allow for us to purchase tactical PPE (personal protective equipment) to protect our personnel in n active shooter hostile event response.”
“Every single day, firefighters across Massachusetts put themselves in harm’s way to protect their communities,” Governor Maura Healey said in a press release “They deserve our thanks and our support. The Firefighter Safety Equipment Grant program is just one way we can express our appreciation for that selfless dedication.”
“The Firefighter Safety Equipment Grants are an investment in the health and safety of Massachusetts firefighters,” State Fire Marshal Jon Davine said. “The flexibility of the program is especially valuable because it allows each department to make purchases based on their specific needs and resources. It has become a vital part of the way the Massachusetts fire service prepares for the constantly evolving threats in the world around us.”
“This is the fourth year that the Town has received this grant for the purchase of fire safety equipment,” Chief Bailey said.