Hat’s Off to Norwood’s Generosity

By Michele Taranto
With rising daily costs, it can be a difficult task to solicit donations, especially during the holiday season. Not in Norwood however. Even with economic challenges, the local community compassionately responded to the 8th Annual Women’s Business Network of Norwood (WBN) Winter Accessory Drive. Through that generosity, many local neighbors again had presents under the tree and items to stay warm this winter.
In total, ten donation boxes were placed throughout Norwood and in neighboring towns. The numbers were impressive this year with over 1,000 accessories collected requiring many trips to empty overfilled boxes, often with new and handmade clothing. The first week in December, all items were donated to the Norwood and Dedham communities through local organizations and churches: the Norwood Food Pantry, the WCC Thrift Shop, First Baptist Church (Blessings Boutique), First Congregational Church of wood, and the Allin Congregational Church, of Dedham.
In addition to thanking Norwood neighbors who generously donated gloves, mittens, scarfs and hats, ROBYN would also like to recognize the businesses who provided a donation location as well as the May School and the League School for decorating the festive bins: Norwood Senior Center, 275 Prospect St., Norwood, Morrill Memorial Library, Norwood, Murph’s Place, 58 Broadway, Norwood; May School/May Institute, 1 Commerce Way, Norwood; Modern Eyes, 696 Washington St., Norwood; League School, 300 Bos.-Prov. Hgwy., Walpole; Clean Remodel LLC, 50 River St., Dedham; Home Helpers Home Care, 609 Neponset St,, Unit 1, Canton; Back in Balance Chiropractic, 59 Pond St., Suite A, Sharon; Passion Beauty Supply & Salon, 1257 River St., Hyde Park.
Each year, the fundraiser is held Nov. 1-30, but from the abundance of homemade items that were donated, it was clear many residents had busy hands throughout the year creating incredibly beautiful knitted pieces in preparation for the event. As in other years, the boxes were also plentiful with brand new items.
WBN was formed nine years ago and its participants include women who work or live in and around Norwood. Shadowing their tagline, Connect, Refer, and Support, the members strive to support each other and their businesses through referrals, advice, consultations, networking connections, and sharing wisdom. Their chapter also consider it vitally important to give back to the community that supports their businesses throughout the year through civic service projects, such as the winter accessory drive.
Current WBN members include Michele Taranto, Suburban Lifestyle Real Estate; Kandi Finch, All Chores Considered; Wendy Aimola, New York Life Insurance Co.; Ellen Connors; Shamrock Home Loans, Kim Burke, Home Helpers; Catherine Good, Law Office of Catherine Becker Good; Maria Levin, Maria Levin PC; Mencia Quinonez, Clean Remodel, LLC; Alyssa Koulopoulos, Cross Insurance; Jillian Banks, Back in Balance Chiropractic; Cheryl Dukeman, Coast to Coast Closings; Christina G. Stetson, Modern Eyes;
WBN is currently accepting members. Only one representative per industry. For more information on WBN, email [email protected], or call 781-799-7068. You can also visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/wbnnorwood.