That’s a Vegetarian Wrap!

By Michele Taranto
The Norwood Farmers Market (NFM) ended their 2023 season on a cool, seasonal afternoon on Oct. 17. For 18 weeks, the Norwood Town Common was filled with produce, food, and artisan vendors, organizations, shoppers, children, and even dogs! Through the extreme heat, and just a few times dodging some raindrops, Tuesday afternoons were reserved for neighbors meeting neighbors, residents discovering new foods and information on local and state, lots of playing lawn games and inflatables, ice cream on Central Ave., laughter, and lots of conversation.
“This year surpassed last year by a lot” NFM Organizer Peter McFarland said. “We consistently had over 20 vendors each week and I was especially happy to have four produce farmers, Jordan Brothers Seafood, and baked goods from Tateo Organics and La Baguette North Bakery. Also, we had a variety of different vendors and local organizations like Norwood Trails at the market.”
From its positive attendance numbers, an outdoor market is just what the town needed. Many who visited even drove from outside Norwood’s borders learning of its great reputation, variety of vendors, and events. The Market showed a distinctive increase this year in attendance and vendor participation.
“The Farmers Market has grown for several reasons,” McFarland said. “First, it’s our second season and more people are aware of the market; the Town Common is such a nice venue to site a market, especially with Central Street closed; Michele Taranto, our Market Manager did a terrific job placing vendors and planning event days. We had a great Pet Day, Kids Day, National Farmers Market Day, and the Pumpkin Fest was over the top.”
Many thanks are extended to the many sponsors of the Market, who allowed the Market to grow this season. Also, the Norwood Department of Public Works for faithfully placing signs throughout town each week, Norwood Light Broadband who was readily available with electrical needs, and especially to the many volunteers, both high school students and adults, who assisted vendors setting up and breaking down their displays. Their assistance is only of many reasons Norwood is a favored market among many vendors. New vendors were being added even in the last few weeks due to Norwood’s favorable reputation.
With Norwood’s centrally-located Town Common, the Central Ave. picnic area, and the Norwood Farmers Market, Tuesday afternoons had the market cornered on the place to be. Be it a hot summer day, dodging raindrops, or a picturesque, clear afternoon, tents were flapping, music was playing, voices were talking and laughing. All that, while learning and purchasing fresh produce from local farms and hand-crafted or all natural goods. The Norwood slogan ‘Buy Local, Eat Health, Build Community,’ checks all the boxes at the Norwood Farmers Market!
“We are encouraging people to shop at our market to eat healthy and buy local,” McFarland said. “There is a big difference in the quality of produce grown at local farms that what you buy in most supermarkets. Plus, since our produce farmers accept SNAP benefits along with Senior and WIC coupons, our customers can extend their food budgets when buying fresh produce at the Norwood Farmers Market.”
New plans, enhancements, a newsletter, and more activities, are already in the planning stages for next year’s