Norwood Ahead of its Time in Recycling

Effective November 1, 2022, mattresses, box springs and textiles can no longer be disposed of in landfills, transfer stations, or waste to energy facilities in Massachusetts. These items must be properly disposed of at facilities that promote their recycling. Fortunately, Norwood has had these facilities in place for many years so the recycling of these items remains simple.
Mattresses and Box Springs
If you are getting a new mattress and box spring, take advantage of the retailer removing and recycling the old mattress and box spring for you. You can also bring your old mattress and box spring to the Winter Street Recycling Facility on Saturdays between 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Maximum 3 items per week and a residential sticker is required for entrance. Please make sure the mattress and box springs are dry, clean and not infested with bugs. If they are not dry, clean, or free of bugs, they will be rejected.
The mattresses and box springs are then taken to a facility that remove and separate the fabric, wood and metal springs for reuse.
Textiles are clothes, shoes, belts, linens, towels, curtains, cloth accessories, etc. They should never go in the recycling cart and now are not allowed to be put into your trash cart (unless they are moldy or contaminated - then they can go in the trash).
If you have items that are reusable, consider donating them to a local thrift store. Otherwise, take advantage of the 10 convenient textile drop off boxes throughout Town. There is a textile box at every school and at the Winter Street Recycling Facility.
These textile boxes take “the good, bad and the ugly.” Just make sure they are dry and clean. If you have a ripped shirt, they’ll take it. If you have only one shoe, they’ll take it.