Join in the Second Annual Juneteenth Celebration

By Bella Caggiano
On June 19, 2021, President Biden proclaimed June 19 as Juneteenth National Independence Day of Observance and a legal public holiday. In 2022, with the hard work of Norwood Police Officer Geoffrey Baguma as the event’s primary organizer, last year’s inaugural Juneteenth celebration was a success.
“The overall response from the community was that the Norwood Juneteenth celebration left them with feelings of positive energy and feelings of becoming closer to their community neighbors,” Baguma said.
This year’s event will be held on Saturday, June 17, 12:30-3:30 p.m., again, on the Town Common, Norwood’s central hub, which last year drew approximately 350 visitors.
“People passing through the area were also seen stopping and taking the opportunity to take in the celebration,” Baguma said. “People coming out of the theater were also surprised by additional live performances, where most of them stayed to watch.
This year’s Juneteenth theme is FREEDOM. The question is, “What is your definition of freedom.” The statement is, “No one is free until we are all free.”
“Every year that we put together Norwood Juneteenth, the goal is to always educate and cel ebrate,” Baguma said. “This is and will always be a great opportunity to learn together. By learning together, we can understand each other better. With a greater understanding of each other, we can then celebrate our new found connection.”
Activities on the Common will include events for kids, a dj, singers, poetry readings, dance, artwork, and possibly a dramatic performance. Currently scheduled for entertainment are the Mathematics, Trend N Motion, a songstress from Norwood High School, a melodic performance from the Coakley Middle School chorus, and much more! Bring an appetite as mouth-watering food will be available and possibly a beer garden. Informational vendors will also be present to share their with the community.
There still may be time for businesses and residents who may be interested in participating. Inquires can be directed through email at [email protected].