Winter Accessories Needed! WBN’s 6th Annual Mitten/Scarf Drive begins November 1.

by Michele Taranto
The response to this worthwhile event the past five years has been amazing! The Women’s Business Network of Norwood (WBN) is asking Norwood residents again this year to search through those piles and tubs of mittens, gloves, hats, and scarfs to donate and help their neighbors keep warm this winter.
While many of the restrictions related to COVID have been lifted from last year, the residual effects of the pandemic continued through 2021. Financial implications and inflation have resulted in financial consequences on individuals and families looking to make ends meet this year. Not only to simply pay mortgages, rents, and stock their pantries, but also providing warm accessories ahead of the winter months and provide gifts for the holiday season.
The WBN Annual Mitten/Scarf Drive will be held Nov. 1 through Nov. 30. Many thanks to the gracious owners of the following establishments who will host the donation boxes: Norwood Senior Center, 275 Prospect St., Norwood, Murph’s Place, 58 Broadway, Norwood; The Vanderbilt Club, 45 Vanderbilt Ave., Norwood; As Good As It Gets Café, 1210 Prov.-Hgwy. (behind Petco), Norwood; Brookside Café, 1260 Washington St., S. Norwood; Clean Remodel LLC, 50 River St., Dedham.
The first week in December, all items will be donated to the Norwood Food Pantry and the Home for Little Wanderers Thrift Shop, in Roslindale.
Since its inaugural year, this event yielded a tremendous response and the generosity of Norwood residents has warmed the hearts of WBN members. Many of the donated items were even handmade and quite a few were brand new with the tags still attached. The local networking group is so proud of the Norwood community as donations grow every year. Last year, there were too many bags to count filled with winter accessories that in turn were given to both worthy organizations. According to the Norwood Food Pantry Donations Coordinator, these donations are greatly appreciated and helped many Norwood families keep warm throughout the winter.
WBN is a networking group so referrals are important. They are loyal to their members and refer them whenever possible. Their bi-monthly forums also serve to collaborate and share ideas, connect, build relationships, and develop a passage for all to draw inspiration. Through the years, WBN has earned a reputation not only as a referral and resource network, but also for contributing to the local community
For more information on WBN, email [email protected], or call 781-799-7068. You can also visit their Facebook page at, or visit their website at
Look for the decorated boxes in the locations listed above! All gently used, new, or handmade mittens, gloves, scarfs, and hats are graciously accepted.