2021-2022 Student Bus Transportation Registration Information
Students in Grades K through 12 who plan to ride a bus must register, including students eligible for town-provided (free) transportation. Please note that the new full rate bus fee is $300 per student with a family cap of $750. Students in grades 1-6 who live more than 2 miles from school, and all kindergarten students, do not have to pay a full rate fee. Kindergarten students that want to take the bus MUST fill out this form this year.
• All passes delivered to student’s homeroom the first week of school if registered by August 9th.
• Applications/Payments received after 7/16/2021 will pay the full rate which includes an administrative fee. The $25 per rider administrative fee applies to all riders, including those for whom the fee is reduced or waived.
• If the Share Information form is signed, and permission is given to share information, then you do not need to submit a Food Services letter with your bus application.
• Due the the COVID19 situation, bus service may be interrupted at any point in time and this would not be a reason for reimbursement.
• This information is subject to change, we are waiting for guidance from the state and further communication will be released as soon as possible.