Police Beat

police beat [3 Images]
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Want to help the police identify suspects? It’s easy; sign up for a daily email from the MassMostWanted website. You’ll receive only ONE email each morning showing the photos of people posted by police the previous day.
Go to https://www.massmostwanted.org/, type your email in the box at the bottom of the screen on your desktop, or at the top on your phone, and click subscribe.
MassMostWanted is a law enforcement website administered by the Norwood and Westwood on behalf of the Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council. You can also follow them at @massmostwanted on Instagram and Facebook.
Go to https://www.massmostwanted.org/, type your email in the box at the bottom of the screen on your desktop, or at the top on your phone, and click subscribe.
MassMostWanted is a law enforcement website administered by the Norwood and Westwood on behalf of the Metropolitan Law Enforcement Council. You can also follow them at @massmostwanted on Instagram and Facebook.