Calendar of Events

Mar. 1
Alphabits (Virtual)
Morrill Memorial Library
10 a.m.
Join Miss Nicole for this weekly program focused on learning the letters of the alphabet! Kids will listen to stories and do activities based on a new letter each week. Register for each week and pick up your Alphabits craft kit by Friday so you can follow along every Monday! Please remember to register each week and pick up your kit BEFORE the following Monday. For preschoolers. To register, visit Questions? Email the staff at [email protected] for call 781-769-0200.
Mar. 2
Virtual BINGO
Norwood Recreation Department
4 p.m.
For all ages. FREE. Prizes for winners. For more information, email [email protected] or visit the Norwood Recreation Department Facebook page.
Mar. 4
Zoom Family Story Time
Morrill Memorial Library
4 p.m.
Join Miss Kate for an afternoon story time! Read stories, sing songs and try a few unique activities. This program is geared to ages 0-5 but all ages are welcome to join in! Register each week at
Virtual Craft Connection
Morrill Memorial Library-Zoom
7 p.m.
The Virtual Craft Connection now meets twice per month, the first and third Thursdays of the month. Get together to video chat while crafting and show off your latest projects and stay in touch. For more information, email Liz at [email protected], or call 781-769-0200, X2.
Mar. 7
American Red Cross Blood Drive
VFW Norwood, 193 Dean St.
9 a.m.-2 p.m.
To make an appointment, visit
Mar. 8
Alphabits (Virtual)
Morrill Memorial Library
10 a.m.
Join Miss Nicole for this weekly program focused on learning the letters of the alphabet! Kids will listen to stories and do activities based on a new letter each week. Register for each week and pick up your Alphabits craft kit by Friday so you can follow along every Monday! Please remember to register each week and pick up your kit BEFORE the following Monday. For preschoolers. To register, visit Questions? Email the staff at [email protected] for call 781-769-0200.
Mar. 9
Women's Business Networking Meeting (Zoom)
8 a.m.
The Women's Business Networking (WBN) group is a non-profit organization for women in business or residents of Norwood and surrounding towns. The group meet two mornings per month and in addition to providing referral business, the women share and support business ideas and community events/fundraisers. If you would like more information about the organization, call 781-799-7068, or email [email protected].
Norwood Toastmasters
Zoom Meeting
6:45 p.m.
The Norwood Toastmasters is dedicated to improving public speaking and leadership skills. They are currently meeting online via ZOOM. For log in, [email protected]. For more information, visit
Mar. 11
Zoom Family Story Time
Morrill Memorial Library
4 p.m.
Join Miss Kate for an afternoon story time! Read stories, sing songs and try a few unique activities. This program is geared to ages 0-5 but all ages are welcome to join in! Register each week at
Mar. 15
Alphabits (Virtual)
Morrill Memorial Library
10 a.m.
Join Miss Nicole for this weekly program focused on learning the letters of the alphabet! Kids will listen to stories and do activities based on a new letter each week. Register for each week and pick up your Alphabits craft kit by Friday so you can follow along every Monday! Please remember to register each week and pick up your kit BEFORE the following Monday. For preschoolers. To register, visit Questions? Email the staff at [email protected] for call 781-769-0200.
Mar. 16
Virtual BINGO
Norwood Recreation Department
4 p.m.
For all ages. FREE. Prizes for winners. For more information, email [email protected] or visit the Norwood Recreation Department Facebook page.
Mar. 17
Virtual Turn the Page Book Group: (Virtual)
Morrill Memorial Library
6:30 p.m.
This month’s book selection is "The Swans of Fifth Avenue" by Melanie Benjamin. To learn of available reading resources, register or view discussions,
Mar. 18
Zoom Family Story Time
Morrill Memorial Library
4 p.m.
Join Miss Kate for an afternoon story time! Read stories, sing songs and try a few unique activities. This program is geared to ages 0-5 but all ages are welcome to join in! Register each week at
Virtual Craft Connection
Morrill Memorial Library-Zoom
7 p.m.
The Virtual Craft Connection now meets twice per month, the first and third Thursdays of the month. Get together to video chat while crafting and show off your latest projects and stay in touch. For more information, email Liz at [email protected], or call 781-769-0200, X2.
Middle School Building Project community Forum (Remote-online)
7 p.m.
Mar. 20
Blood Drive
Norwood Fire & Police Station, 137 Nahatan St.
8 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
To schedule an appointment, login to For eligibility questions, [email protected] or call 617-632-3206. Appointments recommended, but walk-ins taken as time allows. Photo id required. As a thank you, donors will receive a Kraft Family Blood Donor Center $5 Dunkin Donuts gift card.
Mar. 22
Alphabits (Virtual)
Morrill Memorial Library
10 a.m.
Join Miss Nicole for this weekly program focused on learning the letters of the alphabet! Kids will listen to stories and do activities based on a new letter each week. Register for each week and pick up your Alphabits craft kit by Friday so you can follow along every Monday! Please remember to register each week and pick up your kit BEFORE the following Monday. For preschoolers. To register, visit Questions? Email the staff at [email protected] for call 781-769-0200.
Mar. 23
Women's Business Networking Meeting (Zoom)
8 a.m.
The Women's Business Networking (WBN) group is a non-profit organization for women in business or residents of Norwood and surrounding towns. The group meet two mornings per month and in addition to providing referral business, the women share and support business ideas and community events/fundraisers. If you would like more information about the organization, call 781-799-7068, or email [email protected].
Norwood Toastmasters
Zoom Meeting
6:45 p.m.
The Norwood Toastmasters is dedicated to improving public speaking and leadership skills. They are currently meeting online via ZOOM. For log in, [email protected]. For more information, visit
Titles on Tap Book Group (Virtual)
Morrill Memorial Library
7:30 p.m.
Titles on Tap is a social book group for readers in their 20s and 30s and for the young at heart. We go in for stories that are shaken, not stirred, and we don’t mind taking our love of lit outside the library walls. Titles on Tap typically meets once a month in the left-hand bar of Napper Tandy’s to eat, however, the meetings are currently virtual during COVID health restrictions. The March title had yet to be announced at press time; stay tuned at
Mar. 25
Zoom Family Story Time
Morrill Memorial Library
4 p.m.
Join Miss Kate for an afternoon story time! Read stories, sing songs and try a few unique activities. This program is geared to ages 0-5 but all ages are welcome to join in! Register each week at
Mar. 29
Alphabits (Virtual)
Morrill Memorial Library
10 a.m.
Join Miss Nicole for this weekly program focused on learning the letters of the alphabet! Kids will listen to stories and do activities based on a new letter each week. Register for each week and pick up your Alphabits craft kit by Friday so you can follow along every Monday! Please remember to register each week and pick up your kit BEFORE the following Monday. For preschoolers. To register, visit Questions? Email the staff at [email protected] for call 781-769-0200.
Mar. 30
Virtual BINGO
Norwood Recreation Department
4 p.m.
For all ages. FREE. Prizes for winners. For more information, email [email protected] or visit the Norwood Recreation Department Facebook page.