Sometimes Salty Language is OK!
Feb 01, 2021 02:16PM ● By Michele Taranto
They name storms, cars, even ____, so why not salt trucks? That’s what Recreation Director Travis Farley considered when he proposed naming Norwood’s five salt trucks that travel around town keeping the roads safe for travel.
In the beginning of January, the Norwood Recreation Department made an Instagram posting soliciting possible names for the vehicles. Posts were then made on Twitter and Facebook and Norwood Rec received approximately 100 comments with a variety of creative names.
It took less than two weeks for Farley to receive more than enough options to stage naming rights. The winners are: Darth Spreader, George, Salty McSalterson, Saltersaurus Rex, and Mustang Salty!
The trucks are still the traditional yellow, not the colors on the maps, but their names are engraved on their doors. Next time Mother Nature invokes the hazards of winter in Norwood, and you hear the roar coming down the street, take a look out the window and wave to your neighborhood’s personalized vehicle!