Town of Norwood to Run Weekly Family Meals Program Once Again Meals to be Distributed to Families on Select Wednesdays During November and December
General Manager Tony Mazzucco and Superintendent David
Thomson are pleased to share
that the Town of Norwood will
provide meals to families once
again through the Norwood
Family Meals Program, beginning next month.
The program, run through
the Norwood Public Schools in
partnership with the town and
Norwood Food Service, was an
idea that started with the members of Norwood’s Incident
Command Team in the spring.
The program first ran during
May and June and served weekly
dinners to over 400 families.
The program will provide
free grab-and-go dinner meals
for Norwood families who have
students in the Norwood Public Schools or who are homeschooled, or Norwood families
of other schools with children
under 18 years of age.
"The Family Meals Program
was incredibly successful in the
spring, and we are pleased to be
able to fund the program once
again," General Manager Mazzucco said. "We will continue
to assist the Norwood community through these difficult times
however we can, and we thank
the Norwood Public Schools and
Norwood Food
Service for their continued
partnership and efforts to coordinate this valuable program."
The December meal distribution dates are as follows:
• Wednesday, Dec. 2
• Wednesday, Dec. 9
• Wednesday, Dec. 16
The schedule excludes the
weeks that schools will be on holiday break, during which meals
will not be served.
Families are asked to fill out
a Google form to indicate their
request for grab-and-go dinners.
All meal requests should be submitted by 10 a.m. on Tuesdays
through the months of November and December. The meals
will be available for pick up
from Balch Elementary School
or Norwood High School on
All meals will be prepared and
packaged “family-style” and distributed cold, with heating and
cooling instructions provided.
Meals contain 8-10 servings so
that they may last more than one
day for a family. Different meals
will be prepared each week with
two options to choose from.
"We aim to provide easy meals
each week that provide dinner for
the whole family, which is what
makes this program unique,"
said Elijah Norris, Food Service
Director, Chartwells at Norwood
Public Schools. "The Norwood
Public Schools cafeteria staff
were crucial to the success of the
program in the spring, and we
thank them for their continued
work to feed Norwood children
and families during these unprecedented times. We urge anyone
who is interested in a meal to
fill out the form so we can accurately plan for distribution."
Anyone with food allergies
should contact food services at
[email protected] or
call 781-762-6804, ext. FOOD,
to discuss alternative options.
To order meals through the
program, visit www.norwoodma.
All requests are kept confidential and are used for planning
purposes only.
The initiative is being funded
by donations received through
the Norwood Fund and from
Norwood Bank.
The USDA has also extended
waivers that allow free breakfast
and lunch for all kids, 18 and
under. Click here for more info
on the school's free remote an