Norwood’s Snow & Ice Policy
As winter approaches and
temperatures drop, many local
residents may be wondering
about the Town’s winter street
policies. The information below
provides a general overview of
Norwood’s snow and ice program, frequently asked questions,
winter tips and also seeks your
support in providing safe streets
and sidewalks during snow and
ice emergencies.
The Town of Norwood's Public Works Department is responsible for removing snow from and
de-icing 110 miles of roadway
and 6 municipal parking lots in
the winter season. The Town also
plows 31 miles of sidewalk to ensure safe passage for pedestrians.
The Public Works Department uses 5 large salt (de-icing)
trucks to de-ice roadways. When
conditions warrant the plowing
of roadways to make them safe,
the Town uses 26 municipal vehicles and up to 30 contracted
pieces of equipment on 32 plow
Many factors can determine
the Town's response to a snow
event, some of which may include:
• the temperatures before, during and after a storm;
• the amount of accumulated
• the duration of the storm;
• the road surface temperature;
• the weather forecast for the
following days
Plan of Operations:
• When the snow starts falling,
salt trucks are dispatched to
apply de-icing materials such
as road salt and liquid magnesium chloride to keep the
roads safe.
• When 2-3 inches of snow has
accumulated on the streets,
the snow plowing operation
usually begins.
• Once the snow stops falling and the roads have been
plowed, the streets will again
be treated with de-icing materials to prevent a freeze-up
of the road surface.
• Department personnel will
then clear intersections and
plow sidewalks and parking
Black Road Policy:
Within four hours after the
storm has ended it is the policy of
the Norwood Public Works Department to have a bare (black)
road surface on all main streets
and arterial collectors. Residential side streets and cul-de-sacs
will also receive similar treatment
but may take longer to have a
bare (black) road surface.
Parking Bans:
Norwood Town By-law (Article XII, Section 30) prohibits
parking a vehicle on a street so as
to interfere with the snow plowing or removal of snow or ice.
Such vehicles will be subject to
towing at the expense of the vehicle's owner. Norwood's Parking
Regulations also prohibit parking of vehicles for longer than 2
hours, 12 a.m. - 6 a.m., on any
street or Town owned parking
facility from November 15th
through April 1st.
Plow Damage:
The Town is not responsible
for damaged lawns, sprinkler
heads, fences, steps, trees or
shrubs that are located within the
public way.
The Town will be responsible
for mailboxes that are physically
hit by a plow. However, mailboxes will not be repaired if they
are in a deteriorated condition or
are damaged by snow pushback.
Mailboxes and posts damaged by
a snowplow will be fixed and/or
replaced by the Town with a standard wooden post and black box.
The Town will provide a check in
the amount of $50.00 for homeowner's use for any specialty
mailbox and/or post that cannot
be repaired.
All plow damage must be
reported to the Public Works
Department by May 1st of the
current snow and ice season.
Damage reported after May 1st
will not be considered for repairs
or reimbursement by the Town
of Norwood.
Residents are urged to place
stakes with reflectors along the
edge of lawns and the corner of
driveways / walkways.
Plow vehicles, while employed
by the Town, cannot be hired or
requested to clear private driveways or walks.
Sand / Salt Mixture for
Norwood residents can pick
up a sand/salt mixture in the following locations:
• Babel's Paint Store Parking
Lot (Cottage Street / Nahatan Street)
• 370 Winter Street (on Winter
Street at entrance to Landfill).
• Hawes Pool Parking Lot
(Washington Street)
• Norwood Memorial Airport
Parking Lot (Access Road)
Please bring your own container (limit 5 gallons) and shovel.
Commercial and/or private contractors not allowed.
By-law - No Snow
Deposited in Public Way
Norwood Town By-law (Article XII, Section 32) prohibits the
depositing of snow or ice onto or
across any public way, including
sidewalks or public property. This
by-law addresses the ongoing
problem of private contractors
plowing snow from private driveways into the public way. This
causes unsafe road conditions
which must then be corrected by
the Public Works Department.
Any such owner or agent violating this by-law shall be punished by a fine as well as any cost
incurred by the Public Works
Department to correct the condition.
Good Neighbor Policy:
In the interest of you and your
neighbor's personal safety, please
shovel out nearby fire hydrants.